Our Life is in Danger - The alarming drop in biodiversity is more than an issue, it's a disaster that will affect you and everyone important to you. We vote and worship differently, but we will live or die together. Click here.

Our Leaders aren’t Leading – Ambitious people follow power and money. Since straight talk about the environment does not reel in research grants, shore up political careers, or bring up the bottom line, they have no incentive to warn you. Solving the current dilemma is a major investment we must make to avoid the ultimate bankruptcy: extinction. Click here.

Conventional Wisdom is not Enough - The Endangered Species list is hobbled by special interest groups. In many so-called parks, poachers and squatters operate brazenly. Cash-strapped zoos run Species Survival Plans with leftover dollars and spare room. This is our bid to avoid extinction? Click here.

We Need to Act Today - Even now it is too late for some species and habitats, yet we must do the best we can with what we have. We can't save the Earth through rounds of "guilt giving," we must make a permanent change in our lifestyle where man and nature live in harmony. Click here.

Tiger Touch is the Way - We offer tough solutions that work in the real world. Our sole agenda is to identify problems, find solutions, and empower those who would act on this knowledge with enthusiasm, education and inspiration. Click here.

Come on Board - Websites won't save the world, neither will sanctuaries, so we are forging ahead with an ambitious educational center. It will bring the force of experiential learning to bear on educators, advocates and leaders genuinely interested in the future of Earth. Get involved in this important work with your generous contribution.

Thank You For Investing in a Better World - Tiger Touch is a 501-(c)-3 Nonprofit Organization, and your gifts to the cats are tax deductible. Many worthwhile causes need your help. We urge you to make the world a better place by giving time and gifts to your favorite charities. If you like our cats or our cause, please remember us in your giving plans.

You can donate a vehicle to Tiger Touch by clicking here and receive a tax exemption for its fair market value. We do the paperwork for you and have free vehicle pick-up whether it is running or not.

You can donate using PayPal, the fastest, most secure web transaction, by clicking on the button:

Search and Support Using OurGV - Your web searches can bring us needed support without writing a check or selling a product. This tool will not replace your existing toolbar, and there are no costs, pop-ups, adware, spyware or tracking. Download for IE or Firefox by clicking here.

By using the Yahoo search engine on the toolbar, you get the same information. Each time you click on a sponsored link you are raising money for Tiger Touch. No purchase is necessary. Performing 5-10 searches a day on topics of interest to you and clicking on the related, sponsored links will help us reach our goals faster.

With the direct link on the toolbar, you can easily access the Tiger Touch Mall to shop and fundraise. Every purchase at over 1000 stores in the mall generate funds for us. Supporters get personal rebates of up to 30% off.

If you have questions or special support needs, contact OurGV Rewards at [email protected].

Remember Us in Your Estate Plans -Whether or not you realize it, you have an estate. See what this means to you.

There are other ways that you can help. For in-kind donations or help with the educational center, please call or write us. Spread the word about us. Try putting our ideas to work with your own animals. Learn how to use your vote to make the world a more humane place with room for exotics to survive and thrive.

Tiger Touch, Inc.
5280 Mission Rd.
Fallon, NV 89407

(775) 423-8277 - [email protected]